Veggie omelet: Whisk together one egg and three egg whites with 2 tablespoons each of sliced peppers, onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Pour mixture into a skillet over medium heat. Cook for about five minutes turning after three minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and a little hot sauce.
Chicken and broccoli: Combine steamed broccoli with a grilled chicken breast and top with a low sugar condiment such as soy sauce, hot sauce, or rice vinegar.
Grilled chicken salad: Top 2 cups of salad greens with chopped tomatoes, a slice pepper, mushrooms, and a sliced grilled chicken breast. Dress the salad with your favorite fat free balsamic vinaigrette.
Baby carrots dipped in a mix of nonfat plain yogurt, chopped garlic, and a multi spice seasoning.
1 serving nonfat plain Greek yogurt topped with 1 cup fresh or frozen berries.
Looking for similar meal plan ideas? We’ve released a meal plan app for 17 Day Diet onto iTunes for you iPhone or iPad. Each week we send out hand-picked meal plans that are balanced and fit the guidelines of the diet. This diet is healthy in general and recommended to anyone wanting to lose some weight.

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