Clean eating is about no junk, no preservatives, no fillers, etc. Many people write to me wondering what clean eating means and where they should start. Here are tips to eating clean for beginners.
- EAT REAL FOOD: Just real whole foods is all you need to be eating clean. In fact, avoiding boxed food, or pre-made food is best since a lot of times they include fillers or preservatives or too much saturated fats/trans fats, salt or sugar. Also avoid artificial ingredients and colors. A good guide to clean foods is here: Clean Eating Food List
- CLEAN OUT THE JUNK: Go through your cabinets, pantry, fridge and cupboards and clean out the junk! Use the guidelines and food list mentioned above and anything not on those lists or guidelines should be out of your house! Whether you donate it, give it away or throw it away – if you want to eat clean you will do this!
- DRINK CLEAN TOO: water is best, of course. But really you should just avoid sugary drinks like soda or store bought juice. Tea and coffee are ok as long as you don’t add tons of sugar and processed creams. Stick with unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk instead. Also, fresh squeezed juices are great!
- HAVE A PLAN: A lot of times we say were going to do something, then we don’t follow through. Having a set plan with goals can help. Even if you start out slow, take baby steps, get rid of one thing a week, this is good and you’re moving in the right direction of clean eating. This clean eating meal plan might help keep you on track.
As you can see, clean eating doesn’t have to be that bad. It’s a matter of being mindful of what is in your home and what goes in your mouth! Learn to love healthy foods and you’ll be on your way to good health and possibly weight loss with clean eating.
Tell me your clean eating tips in the comments below!

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