Summer is officially here. Well, almost. But, if you live in my neck of the woods, summer arrived two months ago. I had to break out the tank tops and shorts earlier then planned. This workout focuses on your triceps, biceps, and shoulders as those muscles are the most revealed in a tank.
A Dumbbell Set or a Resistance Exercise Band
is required and the above are recommended.
Welcome to the Gun Show
- 15 pushups
- 12 Shoulder Press
- 15 Bicep curls
- 12 Tricep Kickbacks
- 15 Reverse fly
- 20 Hammer Curls only going halfway up
- 15 Tricep pushups
- 15 Lateral Raises
Repetitions can be adjusted based on the range of weights you have access to. If you can’t complete the allotted number, reduce it until you build more strength. Proper form is more important then repetitions. Complete the exercises in a circuit fashion. Complete all exercises rest for one minute and repeat two more times. A Gymboss HOT PINK Interval Timer might help make it more challenging.
Tank Tops here we come!

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