Six steps to get the ball rolling and keep it moving.
1. DECIDE: You have to want it, really want it. Becoming fit and healthy doesn’t just happen because you want it. It happens because you want it so bad you are willing to invest in what it takes. You have to decide if weight loss/ toned arms/ running a marathon/ insert goal here is worth your life. Read more about setting goals if its just never been your thing in this book: The Magic Lamp: Goal Setting for People Who Hate Setting Goals.
2. SET: Set a goal, a realistic and measurable goal. Make your goal as specific as possible. Instead of “I want to look good in a bikini,” say “I want to lose inches off my waist and thighs” and than grab a tape measurer. Start small and make your progress measurable. The more specific your goal, the easier it is to make a plan.
3. PLAN: Plan, plan, and plan how you can accomplish your goal. Without a blueprint your goal is just a dream. When it comes to accomplishing your goals, you can’t over-plan. Plan your super market visits with lists and weekly menus and schedule your workouts. If you make working out a priority, you will stop finding excuses.
4. CREATE HABITS: It takes 3 weeks to develop a habit. Condition your brain to reach for Greek yogurt instead of ice cream. I decided years ago that I would wake up early and work out a minimum of five days a week. Today, I feel conditioned to workout first thing in the morning. It has become apart of my routine. The book Eat by Choice, Not by Habit helps with creating a healthy relationship between your body and food.
5. PATIENCE: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Remember that progress takes time. If it happened over night, we would all be insanely fit. If you are starting a new program, expect results no sooner then 4 weeks.
6. ACCOUNTABILITY: Find some Support. Tell your family and friends (the supportive ones) what you are trying to accomplish. You can even join a chat-room or a Facebook support group for extra love and encouragement.

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