It’s getting warmer here! I can feel summer, and I love it! I live in a place where it gets warm, but not too hot usually, so we have no Air conditioner or cooler in our house – so when it does get super hot I have to think of clever ways to keep cool. I drink ice water with lemon, or other fruit added, a lot! I make smoothies all the time. And one of my newest snacks are frozen grapes! I went to a swim party last summer and it was the most popular finger food there! Everyone loved it. Thought I’d share them with you. They were super easy to prepare.
First, purchase some grapes at the market. Organic is best, especially when buying imported grapes – they are one of the Dirty Dozen. Trader Joes didn’t have organic when I was shopping there, so I went ahead, took my chances and got them un-organic.
Next, wash them very well and remove any stems. Then place them in a tupperware or other airtight container.
Put the lid on and place into the freezer for at least 8 hours. And then you have a tasty snack!
Grapes have antioxidants and help heal our bodies from the damage free radicals cause. They are full of nutrients and vitamins, and are a great food to add to your diet. They are helpful with the following diseases or health issues:
Constipation, indigestion, help lower cholesterol, anti-cancer properties, helps with fatigue because of high iron content, aids in helping prevent heart disease, increases moisture in lungs to help with asthma, fights against Alzheimer’s, and are a good source of vitamin-C, vitamin A, vitamin K, carotenes, B-complex vitamins. Grape Health Info Source:

Can they be frozen longer like kept in the freezer until you would like to snack on them. Like a few days to a few weeks?
Hello Lisa. Yes, I put them in the freezer and just eat as I want some. No problem doing this at all in my experience.