I spent the morning hiking with a close friend who had just completed a month of veganism. She partook in the challenge to be “healthier & leaner.” Did it work? She reported back this morning that not only did she gain six pounds; she, also, felt too sluggish to workout. I of course had to ask what she was eating daily to make her gain weight and lose energy. The culprit: protein, well more lack thereof.
If you are unsure of why our bodies need protein, check out “Get Your Protein.” The short story is that protein repairs muscle tissue, keeps you full, and provides the body with needed energy. In my friends case, meat, eggs, and dairy had been her number one source of protein for years and she didn’t know what to supplement her diet with when she cut those things out. Cutting out animal products can be an excellent way to be healthier and leaner if you approach it correctly which means getting enough protein.
- Vegetables (dark leafy greens are the best)
- Nuts & seeds
- Grains (quinoa & oats are my favorites)
- Legumes
- Supplements (protein bars & powders)
Incorporating protein rich foods into your vegan or raw lifestyle will help bring you to a healthier and leaner state. My personal favorite source of protein is powder. It is a convenience thing. I can throw a scoop into a berry smoothie and have a protein packed meal anytime of the day. You also have a few options when it comes to vegan and even raw protein powder. Garden of Life Raw Protein packs 17 grams of protein in only 80 calories. PlantFusion Protein
, Vanilla Bean, brings you great flavor and tons of protein (blend with 1 cup almond milk for a protein-rich snack). Hemp, soy, and rice protein are all also excellent choices. Try some vegan protein in this delicious, craving busting smoothie. And for more info on becoming vegan and making sure you get all the needed nutrients, see this book, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide
to optimal performance in sports and life.
Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy
- 1 cup soy or almond milk, vanilla
- 1/2 banana, frozen
- 1/3 – 1/2 avocado
- 1 cup ice
- 2 Tbsp dark chocolate cacao powder (dairy-free)
- 1-3 tsp agave
- 1 scoop or your favorite raw protein powder
If you are looking for a way to jump into cutting out animal products (the right way) check out these apps:
Raw Food Cleanse Complete for tons of delicious recipes including desserts and the 3 Day Diet Vegan for a quick start weight loss plan.
We also have a Vegetarian Meal Plan App for iPhone and iPad for anyone who doesn’t mind dairy and eggs.
Which diet would you like to see more recipes for?

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