The goal is to lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days by following a strict meal plan for 3 days on and 4 days off. Repeating the diet multiple times is allowed to reach your desired goal weight.
This diet is a quick-fix fad diet designed to help you lose weight fast by allowing super low-calorie meals for 3 days. You then eat normally (should be healthy foods, no over-eating and no under-eating) for 4 days. You can then opt to do the diet again until you reach your desired weight. The dieter must follow the diet exactly for best results. No leaving foods out or adding some in is allowed. There are some substitutions for certain foods. Tips to keep the weight off when done with the 3 day diet:
Eat a healthy balanced diet. Whole foods are recommended: Fresh [...]
The goal of this diet is weight loss by achieving proper hormone balance and keeping your blood sugar stable.

This diet was created by a biochemist, Barry Spears. On The Zone Diet you must keep proper hormone balance and keep your blood sugar stable. Be sure they stay “in the zone”. This means they are not too high or low. You can do this by eating the right proportions at every meal: 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. Our bodies need this exact balance of nutrients to stay healthy. Not only will you lose weight following these percentages, but your body will work at peak performance.
No food is off limits, but many are encouraged, such as the following carbs, proteins and fats:
Examples of good carbs are those low on the glycemic index (GI) such as: vegetables (not corn [...]
The Raw Food Diet is more of a lifestyle change than a diet for weight loss; although you can lose weight on a raw food diet. People begin eating raw food for health reasons. It’s cleansing to your body and mind to eat this way.

A raw food diet is eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. Fresh picked, washed and chopped is all the preparation you need to eat raw. Raw foods have living enzymes that help your body with digestion, absorption and elimination. Eating like this is the best way to make sure you digest all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Raw food is anything uncooked or cooked/dehydrated under 115 degrees F. Depending on how long you cook your foods, anything above 115 degrees can kill all the living enzymes and will diminish [...]
The aim of this diet is to eat foods that are beneficial to your blood type and avoid foods that can be dangerous for your type. Eating for your type will benefit you health-wise as well as you might lose some weight at the same time.

This diet plan was discovered by naturopathic physician Dr. D’Adamo. He discovered that if you eat foods containing proteins that are incompatible with your blood type, you may experience negative effects such as bloating, weight gain, sluggishness, a slower metabolism, and even diseases such as diabetes or cancer. When you follow a diet plan based on your blood type you could experience many positive health effects such as weight loss, more energy, better digestion, less allergies and more.
There are four blood types A, B, AB, and O.
Type A
Type A thrives on a vegetarian diet. [...]
This diet will help you lose weight if you consume lots of protein, and limit your carb and fat intake.
The Dukan diet was developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan. This protein-based diet plan is based on scientific findings that proteins are filling, take more time to digest and don’t have that many calories per serving. Carbs are limited, so the body is forced to burn fat, which will lead to weight loss.
This diet is very strict. There are 4 stages you must follow exactly: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization.
Attack Phase
This phase is super high protein. You can eat as much protein as you’d like. You should only eat meats that have no more than 5% fat. This includes chicken and turkey meat (no skin and wings), beef, rabbit, veal (no rib), fish, low-fat ham, shellfish, eggs (only 2 per day, [...]
The goal is to burn belly fat and lose up to 15 pounds in 32 days by incorporating healthy fats (MUFA’s) into each meal and focusing on four 400 calorie meals a day.
The Flat Belly Diet consists of a Mediterranean-style menu, the Flat Belly Diet is a sensible eating plan that uses the benefits of monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs, to promote weight loss. You may be wondering, What is a MUFA?? MUFAs are found in some of the best-tasting foods: nuts, olives, oils, avocados, and dark chocolate. They’re not only heart-healthy, but give a feeling of fullness when made a part of each meal.
The diet starts out with a 4 day jumpstart period that prepares your body for serious weight loss. During these four days you drink “Sassy Water” to reduce water retention and hunger [...]
The ultimate goal of the 17 Day Diet is weight loss. It is also great for changing your eating habits from bad to good.
This diet is physician-approved and was created by Dr. Mike Moreno. It provides visible results in 7 days and weight loss of up to 12 pounds in the first 17 days. It’s not a fad diet, but a balanced eating plan that adjusts every 17 days so that your metabolism won’t slow down and you won’t get bored. This diet is great as a jumpstart to living a healthy lifestyle as it teaches you what is good for you and allows only foods that are healthy.
On this diet you will eat mostly lean proteins, vegetables, low-sugar fruits, probiotics, and “friendly” fats that are heart-healthy and promote fat loss. Gradually you will add a greater selection of [...]
The goal is to lower blood pressure by limiting the consumption of sodium. This will then reduce risk of hypertension and other associated health risks. It also is a great diet for weight loss.

The DASH diet is short for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It consists of a balanced diet with the consumption of high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Following this diet will lower the amount of saturated fat, cholesterol and other unwanted fats that come with an unhealthy diet. DASH dieters must also limit consumption of sweets, red meats and processed foods.
The main restriction is salt. This will reduce symptoms of (or avoid) hypertension and lower blood pressure. Eating foods high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium is highly recommended as these all lower blood pressure.
Only 1,500 mg – 2,300 mg of sodium is allowed per day
The Paleo Diet is designed to move us back into the eating patterns of our hunter-gatherer ancestors for health and to achieve a leaner body mass.
The Paleo Diet promotes the consumption of natural foods instead of processed ones. It goes back to basics of eating as it imitates the diet pattern of hunter-gatherer ancestors. The aim of this diet is to only consume foods that a caveman would have eaten. There is no grains, no sugar (some use honey), no artificial sweeteners, no soy, no trans-fats, no legumes and for some no dairy.
There is no calories to count or carbs to track, only restrictions of certain food items. Since it mainly focuses on protein consumption, this diet is preferred by many health buffs as it is said to be effective in gaining more muscle mass. Carbohydrate foods are sourced only from fresh vegetables [...]