Overnight Oats

If you haven’t tried overnight oats, you are missing a delicious and easy breakfast perfect for those hectic ”I have no time” mornings. Just grab from the fridge and take with you, no cooking required. Just don’t forget a spoon! Great breakfast treat for when you’re on the 17 Day Diet cycle 3.

1/2 cup vanilla almond milk, unsweetened 
1/2 vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup old fashion oats
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt
Stevia to taste

Whisk milk and protein powder in a small bowl until all clumps are removed. Add remaining ingredients until well mixed. Place in the fridge overnight. Add Topping. Enjoy.
These nesting bowls would be great to make this recipe in, they are perfect for portion control. Prepare the recipe above in them and top with some plastic wrap. Place in the fridge [...]

The Clean 15

Want to save your wallet at the grocery store? Then dont worry about buying these 15 produce items organic. “The Clean 15″ is conventional produce with limited pesticides. Lets get shopping!

Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 9.05.21 PM

The Dirty Dozen

The 12 fruits and veggies you should be buying organic.IMG_0213With over-whelming research and publications about organic foods, it is difficult to ignore the benefits. Among other benefits, buying and eating organic reduces the amount of chemicals you place in your body and it’s better for the environment from the lack of pesticides. However, there are two main things that hinder my organic eating. 1.) Organic produce isn’t always in large supply. 2.) Lets just face it, eating organic is expensive.
Thankfully, I found the “Dirty Dozen.” The Dirty Dozen has become important in my grocery lists and has helped my wallet on weekly shopping trips. The D.D. is a list of 12 items to help you buy organic, healthy foods. It was compiled by the USDA after washing produce with the mother of all washing systems. The produce that made the list still [...]

App Review: True Food, Shoppers Guide to Avoiding GMOs

Unfortunately, GM foods are not labeled in the US. Doctors and scientists warn they can be bad for you or the environment; but still, our food is not labeled. Don’t fear though, because The True Food Network (aka: The Center for Food Safety) came through for us with their iPhone/iPad app True Food! It is also available for Android – search “true food”.

A few days ago I posted about new findings regarding GMO’s. I also listed some foods to watch out for. During my research I came across this FREE iPhone/Android app and I just had to share a few notes on this app because I found it pretty helpful!

First of all, its handy because you have a list of foods right there when you are shopping. No more trying to remember what you saw online was GMO. Or, no more wasting paper printing out [...]

You Are What You Eat – Guide to Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)

There are many different diets out there. Diets to lose weight, diets to watch your sodium intake, diets that are good for your heart, diets for anti-again and many more. There are also diets that are more lifestyle eating plan specific such as raw food diet, vegan diet, and eating clean diet. I have been really interested in eating clean lately. With all the artificial flavors, colors, additives and chemicals being put in our foods, its really got me worried. Then we come to how our food is processed and sold to us and that makes me worry even more! That brings me to GMO (genetically modified organism) foods and non-organic foods.

GMO’s are foods that have been altered using genetic engineering techniques. There are many questions raised these days on wether or not they are safe to eat and many protests [...]

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