Post-Workout Fuel

pro bb
During exercise, our muscles and carbohydrate stores break down. The muscle tissue rips and prepares itself to be rebuilt. However, without the proper nutrition, your body can’t rebuild and will never reach its full potential.
What do I eat post workout?
After a workout, you want to fuel your body with carbohydrates and protein, which are essential to the rebuilding process. Fat is not necessary and it may even derail your progress as it slows digestion. If you calculate your needs, you will need .8 grams of carbs per kilogram and .4 grams of protein per kilogram. Keep in mind that it is also best to consume your post workout meal ASAP for the biggest benefits. Check out these ten quick meals to fuel your body after training.
Ten Quick Post Workout Mini Meals

Protein Creamcicle: Blend 1 scoop Vanilla protein powderRead more

Greek Yogurt Cakes

With the temperature heating up and living through days that reach 104, I needed a nightly treat to cool me down. These Greek yogurt cakes are the perfect sweet, crunchy, and cool that I was looking for. Plus they are only 120 calories.

1 cupKashi GOLEAN Crunch Cereal(low fat granola will work too)
1/2 cup almond flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup nonfat milk
3 teaspoons sugar free vanilla pudding mix
2 cups vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt (or any flavor you like)
1/2 cup fat free Cool Whip, thawed
Caramel Sauce  or chocolate chips (optional)


For the crust, place Kashi cereal, almond flour, egg, and olive oil in a food processor and pulse until well blended. 
Line a muffin tin with 12 cupcake liners.
Place a tablespoon of the crust mixture into the lined muffin tin and press flat.
Bake in a [...]


Yoga as been defined as “union with the divine” and is used in many religions as a way to connect with God and gain peace. In health communities, it has been known to promote flexibility and balance. Read on for eight reasons to start practicing yoga today. 
yoga is beneficial!

Flexibility: The most obvious benefit of yoga is increased flexibility. You may not be able to touch your toes during the first session but with consistent sessions the muscles begin to lengthen and you will be able to touch them in no time.
Relieves Pain: As the muscles begin to loosen, aches and pain will disappear. Tight hips affect the knees and tight hamstring muscles create lower back pain. Studies show that two 90 minute sessions of yoga a week reduce soreness by 56 percent. Read more in The Woman’s Book of Yoga and HealthRead more

A Lighter Side of Chicken Parmesan

chc parm
We are all familiar with the cheesy, yummy goodness that is chicken parmesan. As one of my favorite dishes, I set out to create a lighter, diet-friendly version of this Italian classic. 17 Day Diet Cycle 3 Compliant recipe.



3 slices whole wheat bread 
4 teaspoons Italian spice blend
1/2 teaspoon salt & pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
2 egg whites
1/2 cup skim milk
1/2 cup flour
4 chicken breast
Olive oil spray
3 1/2 cups marinara sauce
3/4 cup shredded low fat mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup parmesan cheese

Pound chicken until 1/2 inch thick.

Place flour into the first shallow baking dish.

Whisk egg whites and milk together in the second shallow dish.

Place bread into toaster and toast until golden brown. Remove from toaster and place in a food processor with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Italian spice blend. Pulse until crumbs are created and pour into the third shallow dish.

Line up ingredients on a counter and [...]

Fresh Vietnamese Spring Rolls

Vietnamese spring rolls recipe These are absolutely one of my favorite foods to eat! So fresh and tasty! And so versatile. You can seriously add anything you want in them. Make them vegan/vegetarian or add some meat if you’d like. You could even go fruity with them if you wanted! I’ve made them a couple times for family functions and people flock to these. People of all ages love them, kiddo’s do too – probably because they are fun little rolled up treats! Might be a good way to get your kids to eat their veggies!

fresh Vietnamese spring rollsFirst you’re going to want to decide what you want to fill these beauties up with. Veggies are great! Any kind really: sprouts, spinach, shredded carrots, shredded cucumber, avocado, mushrooms, cilantro, bell pepper, lettuce, fresh basil, [...]

Proper Portions

Understanding portion sizes is just as critical to dieting as understanding clean eating. Here is a guide to understanding proper portion sizes.  

A baseball (not a softball) is roughly the size of 1 cup. 1 cup is the appropriate serving for berries, cooked grains & pasta, most cereals, vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, and potatoes.


Think of a golf ball when you reach for your peanut butter. It equals around two tablespoons packed with healthy fats and tons of calories. It is important to be portion conscience when eating nuts and nut butters. A golf ball can also be used to measure a serving of dried fruit.
[amazon asin=B000RT4ANW&template=iframe image&chan=default][amazon asin=B000RT85JW&template=iframe image&chan=default][amazon asin=B003MSZBSI&template=iframe image&chan=default]


The average chicken breast is one and half to two servings of chicken. A serving of meat is 4 ounces [...]

Protein “Ice Cream”

Splurge on this simple, not-so-guilty “Ice Cream” made with all clean ingredients.

3 Frozen Bananas, Sliced
2 Scoops of Protein Powder (chocolate or vanilla)
2 Tablespoons Peanut Butter
¼ – ½ Cup Almond Milk

1) Sliced the bananas and freeze overnight.
2)Place frozen bananas in a Cuisinart Food Processor – I recommend this one highly if you don’t have one.
Pulse until creamy.
3) Add protein powder and peanut butter to bananas and pulse until creamy.
4) If the mixture is chunky or gritty add the almond milk until creamy.
5) Enjoy or place in the freezer for when that sweet tooth comes calling.

Clean Drinking (Starbucks)

Enjoy your favorite Starbucks guilt-free. 


Whether you enjoy the green siren daily, weekly, or monthly, it can be devastating to your waistline. And now that Starbucks lists calories on their menu boards you can feel the guilt as you order. As a former Barista, I have just the tips to ordering the drinks you love that will keep your mouth happy and your diet consistent.
Clean Eating Starbucks tips:

Drip Coffee, Americano, & Tea: These are the most obvious calorie conscious drinks with ten calories or less. You can spice these up by adding sugar-free syrups or steamed non-fat milk with a little bit of foam.
Latte: A tall nonfat latte contains only 90 calories. It is basically a glass of steamed milk with espresso: packed with protein and calcium. Make it a skinny latte with sugar-free vanilla for a real treat.
Frappuccino: Yes, I said it. [...]

Easy Homemade Coconut Granola

Store bought granolas can be packed full of sugar, or worse! High fructose corn syrup! I’ve been making my own for years and experimenting to make it better and better. Here is my favorite mix made with Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for added benefits. This recipe makes about 26 servings (1/4 cup). I like to eat it with soy yogurt and fruit or with almond milk. But I am sure it would be great with cow’s milk or any yogurt as well! It’s low calorie and low fat! Enjoy for breakfast or as a snack! Share with us how you like to eat your granola.

Easy Homemade Coconut Granola -

4 cups oats
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup chopped raw almonds
1/4 cup chopped raw walnuts
1/4 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup [...]

Snack Attack! Guide to Healthy Snacks

good habits for healthLooking for low carb & low calorie snacks? Well, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve gathered a nice list of ideas for you. Many people who are on the 17 Day Diet talk to me daily through our support chat (available when you buy the app for iPhone or Android phones), and a common question is: “In the evening I get the urge to snack and I need snack ideas, can you help me?” So, here it is! Healthy snack ideas. If you’re not on the 17 Day Diet, don’t worry, this list is for anyone looking to make healthy choices.

1. Asian Lettuce Wraps by Eat Yourself Skinny

asian lettuce wrap - low carb, low calorie snack ideas -

2. Healthy Tuna Salad by Lift. Laugh. Love. Lauren - this can also [...]

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