I spent this past weekend and earlier this week in Portland, Oregon visiting friends in family. Four days spent in beautiful weather was just the thing I needed to recharge my batteries. Although, fun and exciting vacations can also be difficult and exhausting. During a vacation, it is hard to stick to your diet and workout routine and if you are anything like me, you love routine. Normally, I stress about keeping my diet strict and finding time for long workouts.
I decided to approach this trip a little differently. To let loose, enjoy the trip, and get back in routine when vacation was over. I enjoyed every bit of vegan chocolate and every bite of a black bean burger I put into my mouth (it was Oregon). I didn’t forsake all workouts either. I attended group fitness classes and went bouldering. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing without the use of ropes and harnesses. I spent a couple of hours in the gym and boy was I sore in the morning. Read more about bouldering in this book Bouldering: Movement, Tactics, and Problem Solving
. Just some of the benefits of bouldering include:
- Improves Cardiovascular Health
- Improves Balance and Coordination
- Improves Strength
- Tones underused muscles
My forearms almost fell off the next day and I felt pain in places I didn’t know were there. Trying a new workout challenges your body and muscles, beats boredom, and can help conquer a plateau. I was able to enjoy my vacation to the fullest, spend time with friends, and get in great workouts. Taking a break from my normal routine was just the kickstart my body needed and trying something new was equally as challenging to my body and mind. I am ready to get back to my training and clean eating to accomplish my goals. Don’t wait until your next vacation to try something new and reap the benefits.
Stay tune for vacation-ready workout. Little to no equipment required.
Image curtsey of The Circuit: Bouldering Gym in Portland, Oregon.

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