Unfortunately, GM foods are not labeled in the US. Doctors and scientists warn they can be bad for you or the environment; but still, our food is not labeled. Don’t fear though, because The True Food Network (aka: The Center for Food Safety) came through for us with their iPhone/iPad app True Food! It is also available for Android – search “true food”.
A few days ago I posted about new findings regarding GMO’s. I also listed some foods to watch out for. During my research I came across this FREE iPhone/Android app and I just had to share a few notes on this app because I found it pretty helpful!
First of all, its handy because you have a list of foods right there when you are shopping. No more trying to remember what you saw online was GMO. Or, no more wasting paper printing out a list you found online. It can all be right there on your mobile phone!
The app has a wonderful food guide organized by food types and is pretty extensive. There is also a search option so you can just search what you’re looking for instead of looking through the lists. When you click on a category it gives you a little rundown on that type of food and then gives a list of items for that type with whether or not you should avoid them. It goes as deep as brand names of foods and even supermarket store names and what they sell within their stores.
They have 4 simple tips for avoiding GM foods within your diet:
1. Buy organic.
2. Look for Non-GMO labels (if you’re lucky you’ll find these.)
3. Avoid at risk ingredients (corn, soy, canola and cottonseed).
4. Purchase products in this guide and notify True Food Network when you see an item in the store that isn’t in the app.
There is also lots more information about GMOs, supermarkets & GMOs, GM crops, the hormone rBGH, Organic foods, and about the creators of the app. Get this app now for you and your health!
Also, check out these books for more information:

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